On Receiving Spiritual Gifts and not being distracted by them

Every believer generally and those taking the spiritual path specifically should perform their obligations with excellence and strive for presence therein while seeking to strengthen their certainty. Whatever spiritual gifts – such as tranquillity, serenity and a feeling of connection – they receive in the course of that are from Allah and go back to Him. They are not theirs. Continue reading On Receiving Spiritual Gifts and not being distracted by them

What is Meant by Fighting Against the Nafs?

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

When scholars talk about fighting against the nafs (lower self) this is not meant literally. Harming the nafs is not what is intended. What is meant is purifying it and elevating it. Fulfilling its desires and following its whims is what really harms it. Doing the opposite, although it may be difficult, is what really benefits it. Any dhikr performed with presence of heart also helps to purify the nafs.

Seek Forgiveness and Confound the Devil!

Habib Muhammad al-Haddar reminds us of the greatness of seeking forgiveness and how this confounds the Devil.

The Prophet ﷺ said: “The one who keeps seeking forgiveness is not regarded as a persistent sinner even if he were to return to the same sin seventy times a day.”[1]

All praise belongs to Allah for the blessing of seeking forgiveness (istighfar). Even if you were to keep committing a sin seventy times but you sought forgiveness, your Lord is All-Forgiving. The main thing is you seek forgiveness with your tongue and your heart. If the Devil tries to outdo you by sending you astray, outdo him by seeking forgiveness more. Continue reading Seek Forgiveness and Confound the Devil!

Dealing With Thoughts of Disbelief

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

Thoughts of disbelief sometimes come into my mind. Does this take me out of the fold of Islam?

No this does not take you out of the fold of Islam. We are only taken to account for the thoughts which we are content with and agree with. We will not be taken to account for the thoughts which you dislike and ignore. Continue reading Dealing With Thoughts of Disbelief

Struggling With Wrongdoing

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

Many young people complain that it is difficult for them to leave certain acts of disobedience. When they do manage to repent, they often fall into the same sin again. How are they able to repent sincerely?

Do not deem yourself incapable of repenting even if you keep committing the sin a hundred times a day. Do not forget that you have a Lord Who is completely aware of you. As long as you repent to Him sincerely He will see this, even if you keep repeating the same sin. He will rid you of this disobedience in due course, according to your sincerity. Continue reading Struggling With Wrongdoing

On Tasting the Sweetness of Worship

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

How can I taste the sweetness of worship?

Not tasting the sweetness of worship is mainly due to the heart not being fully focused on Allah and being preoccupied with other than Allah. It may also be due to a veil in the heart such as pride or hatred for someone. By standing at Allah’s door and attempting to purify your heart, you will no doubt taste the sweetness of worship. `Utbah al-Ghulam said: “I forced myself to perform the night vigil prayer for twenty years until I tasted its sweetness.”

Do Your Sins Cut You Off From Allah?

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

Do your sins cut you off from Allah?

Your sins cut you off from Allah when you are content to let yourself commit them and refuse to leave them. If, however, you feel remorse and have a sincere resolve to leave them they do not cut you off.

Know Your Enemy

After telling us the story of Adam, Hawa and Iblis, Allah calls upon us to learn a lesson from the story. He says:

O Children of Adam, do not allow the Devil to seduce you.[1]

We should thus be wary of the Devil and take measures to protect ourselves from him. When thoughts enter our minds, we should ask whether they are of satanic origin or angelic origin. When you remember Allah, promptings of angelic origin are strengthened, whereas promptings of satanic origin are weakened. Continue reading Know Your Enemy

Dealing with Unpleasant Things

Habib Abdullah bin Husayn bin Tahir (may Allah have mercy on him and benefit us by him) wrote the following piece of advice to help people deal with the oppression and turmoil that was taking place in Hadramawt at the time. His advice remains relevant to the times in which we are living.

It is rare in this time to find peace of mind and comfort. Worries, concerns and distractions are numerous. A person must be content and tranquil in the face of these things. He must surrender (to Allah’s decree) and not be dissatisfied. Continue reading Dealing with Unpleasant Things