Prophetic Guidance in Times of Tribulation

In light of recent political events in Yemen and other countries, Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him) clarifies the Prophetic perspective on how to deal with tribulations.

Habib Umar delivered the lecture in Dar al-Mustafa on 9th Jumada al-Akhirah 1436 / 29th March 2015 and it was attended by students of forty two nationalities. In it Habib Umar gave general guidelines as well as specific advice for those currently studying in Tarim. What follows is a summary of the main points. Continue reading Prophetic Guidance in Times of Tribulation

Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Fard (the Matchless)

This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ.

اللَّهُمَّ يا اللهُ يا فَرْدُ صَلِّ على عَبْدِكَ و حَبِيبِكَ سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ النَّبِيِّ الفَرْد و على آلِهِ و صَحْبِهِ و سَلِّمْ تَسْلِيماً وأَفْرِدْنِي بِهِ لما خَلَقْتَنِي لَهُ و اجْعَلْ لي بِذَلِكَ عِزَّاً و مَجْداً فَرِيداً

O Allah, O Matchless One, bestow abundant prayers and peace upon Your slave and beloved, our Master Muhammad, the matchless Prophet and upon his Family and Companions, and by him devote me completely to that for which You have created me and bless me with honour and matchless nobility.


Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Ahad (the Unique)

This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ.

اللَّهُمَّ يا اللهُ يا أحَدُ صَلِّ على عَبْدِكَ و حَبِيبِكَ سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ النَّبِيِّ الأَحْمَد و على آلِهِ و صَحْبِهِ و سَلِّمْ تَسْلِيماً وأَشْهِدْنِي بِهِ سِرَّ الأَحَدِيِّةِ لَكَ إِشْهَادا

O Allah, O Unique One, bestow abundant prayers and peace upon Your slave and beloved, our Master Muhammad, the Prophet who praises You the most and upon his Family and Companions, and by him allow me to completely witness the secret of Your uniqueness.

Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Wahid (the One)

This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ.

اللَّهُمَّ يا اللهُ يا واحِدُ صَلِّ على عَبْدِكَ و حَبِيبِكَ سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ النَّبِيِّ الواحِد و على آلِهِ و صَحْبِهِ و سَلِّمْ تَسْلِيماً واجْعَلْنِي بِهِ رَاسِخَ القَدَمِ فيِ حَقِيقَةِ التَّوْحِيدِ مَنَّاً مِنْكَ عَظِيماً

O Allah, O One, bestow abundant prayers and peace upon Your slave and beloved, our Master Muhammad, the unique Prophet and upon his Family and Companions, and by him bless me with complete witnessing of Your Oneness purely out of Your immense bounty.

Salawat of Habib Ibrahim bin ‘Aqil bin Yahya

The following prayers upon the Prophet ﷺ are composed by Habib Ibrahim bin `Aqil bin Yahya (may Allah have mercy upon him and benefit us by him).

Habib Ibrahim said:

“Every act of worship is liable to be ruined by ostentation (riya’) except bestowing prayers upon the Prophet ﷺ because it is a means of intercession and it is accepted by Allah whatever the state of the person.” Continue reading Salawat of Habib Ibrahim bin ‘Aqil bin Yahya

Selected Salawat: The Possessor of the Highest Station

Habib Kazim al-Saqqaf (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him) recommends reciting the following prayer upon the Prophet . It should be recited at least twice in the morning or evening, or ideally ten times. If someone recites it consistently, the Messenger of Allah will be with them at the time of death and the pains of the throes of death will be reduced. Continue reading Selected Salawat: The Possessor of the Highest Station

Travels of the Soul

Allah created the souls of the Prophets and gave them the ability to travel such that on the night of the Isra and Mi’raj they could be present in Bayt al-Maqdis and also in the high heavens. He also created the souls of the elite of His servants who were not prophets, such as Ja’far bin Abi Talib. His soul had the ability to fly from Jordan to al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, give greetings to the Beloved ﷺ , speak to him and return in the blink of an eye. Continue reading Travels of the Soul

Sayyiduna Ja’far: A Tale of Love and Sacrifice

Narrated by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him).

When Sayyiduna Ja’far’s right hand was cut off, he seized the standard with his left hand until that too was cut off. He then clasped the standard with both arms until he was mortally wounded. His companions took the standard from him and took him to the side. They found that he had been struck eighty times (by swords, spears and arrows) but all these wounds were on the front part of his body, not on his back or his side. This was because he remained firm and did not for a moment turn his back to the enemy. He was offered water but he refused to drink it, saying that he was fasting. Continue reading Sayyiduna Ja’far: A Tale of Love and Sacrifice

Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Majid (the Magnificent)

This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ. Continue reading Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Majid (the Magnificent)

Martyrs of Mu’tah

The Battle of Mu’tah, in modern-day Jordan, took place in Jumada al-Ula in the eighth year of the Hijrah. The Prophet  had sent al-Harith bin ‘Umayr Al-Azdi with a letter for the ruler of Busra in Syria. On his way, however, he was intercepted and killed by Shurahbil bin ‘Amr Al-Ghassani. As a result, the Messenger of Allah  sent an army to discipline the transgressors. He appointed Sayyiduna Zayd bin Harithah to lead the army and gave him the standard. Sayyiduna Ja’far bin Abi Talib would replace him if he was killed, and Sayyiduna `Abdullah bin Rawahah would succeed Ja’far in case the latter fell. These were among the greatest of the Companions. Continue reading Martyrs of Mu’tah