How Should Kohl be Used?

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

How should kohl be used?

Kohl is a sunnah of the Prophet  . It is recommended to apply it before going to sleep. The best type of kohl is called ithmid. It should be applied three times in the right eye and three times in the left eye, similar to the way the hands and feet are washed during wudu. There is a weaker opinion that it should be applied three times to the right eye and twice to the left eye so that the total number of times that it is applied is an odd number.

Is Practising Islam Easy or Difficult?

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

Islam is supposed to be easy but I am finding it hard to practise. How can we reconcile between this ease and hardship?

All good things are not beyond a person’s capacity to attain but they are only attained through effort. Even in worldly affairs, effort is required to attain one’s goals. If we look at the religion from the perspective that it does not give us obligations which we are unable to fulfil, we find ease in it. Continue reading Is Practising Islam Easy or Difficult?

The Renewal (tajdid) of Imam al-Haddad

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

Imam al-Haddad is known as the ‘renewer’ (mujaddid) of the 12th Islamic century. What form did his renewal (tajdid) take?

Imam al-Haddad brought about a general renewal and a specific renewal. He brought about a general renewal by giving life to the meanings of the religion in the hearts and the lives of its adherents. This was the promised renewal which the Prophet ﷺ informed us would take place every century. He brought about a specific renewal by explaining the spiritual path of his predecessors and making it easy for those who wish to travel it. He placed everything that a wayfarer on the path needs – whether it be the Ba Alawi path specifically or any Sufi path – in two of his books: ‘Good Manners’ (Adab Suluk al-Murid) and ‘The Book of Assistance’ (Risalat al-Mu`awanah).