Prophetic Reflections

Reflections by Habib Ali al-Jifri (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him) relating to the noble Prophet ﷺ

الذي يقر في قلبه نور محبة النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم؛ لا يتأتى للتطرف أن يجد اليه سبيلا
ذلكم أن المحبة إذا رسخت في القلب وتمكنت منه وأخذت بشغافه؛ جعلت المحبوب نُصب العين، بل جعلت المحبوب ساكن الفؤاد، فلا يتحرك المحب ولا يسكن إلا ومحبوبه متمثل أمام عينيه
فهو في كل إقدام وإحجام يستشعر صلة مايقول ويفعل بالمحبوب، وتتحول صلته بسائر شؤون حياته إلى حال من المعاملة مع المحبوب، فهو إن كلّم الآخرين؛ كلم المحبوب من خلالهم
وإن تعامل معهم؛ هو في الصورة يعاملهم والحقيقة أنه يعامل محبوبه
وكل ما له صلة بالمحبوب محبوب

When the light of the love of the Prophet ﷺ is firmly embedded in someone’s heart, it is inconceivable that extremism can find a place.

This is because when love is firmly embedded in a person’s heart and he becomes infatuated with the Beloved, he places the Beloved in front of him in everything that he does and he is conscious of his connection with the Beloved in his every word and deed.

His connection with everything in life then becomes a transaction with the Beloved. Even when he speaks to people, he is in fact speaking to the Beloved through them. In his dealings with people, outwardly he is interacting with them but in reality, he is interacting with his Beloved. Everything which is connected to his Beloved becomes beloved.


(إن الله جميلٌ يحب الجمال)

 والجميل الذي يحب الجمال لم يحب أحداً كحبه لسيدنا محمد، فلا جمال كجمال سيدنا محمد،  وقد صح عندنا أنه لا أحَبَّ إلى الله من سيدنا محمد، إذاً فسيدنا محمد أجمل الجمال، سيدنا محمد مجمع الجمال، و من اتصل بجماله سرى إليه الجمال، إلى حدٍّ يصبح هو فيه مُصَدِّراَ للجمال لما يحيط به


The Prophet ﷺ said: “Allah is beautiful and loves beauty.” The Most Beautiful loves beauty and He does not love anyone in the way that He loves our Master Muhammad. There is no beauty that can be compared to the beauty of our Master Muhammad. Muhammad is the paragon of beauty and all elements of beauty are combined in him. Whoever connects themselves to his beauty will receive a portion of that beauty and then become a source of beauty to the people around them.



ان لم نفرح بسيدنا محمد نفرح بمن؟


If our Master Muhammad is not a source of joy for us, then who is?



 ورفعنا لك ذكرك ومن رفع الله ذكره لا يستطيع أحد خفضه مهما حاول .. وإنما قلقنا من تقصيرنا في تعريف العالم بشريف جنابه


“We raised high the esteem in which you are held” (al-Inshirah, 94:4)

Given that Allah has raised high the esteem in which the Prophet ﷺ is held, no one is able to lower it, regardless of how hard they try.

Our fear is not that this will happen, but that we have not done enough to teach the world about his noble station.