This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ. Continue reading Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Yā Mujīb – (the Responsive One)
The Loss of Habib Hamid Ba ‘Alawi
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of al-Mansib, Habib Hamid bin Muhammad Hamid Ba ‘Alawi. He was one of the pillars of Tarim and imam of Tarim’s greatest mosque, Masjid Ba ‘Alawi. He passed away before Fajr on Saturday, 19th Shawwal 1435/ 16th August 2014 at the age of 71. In his youth he studied under his father and other great imams, among them Habib `Alawi bin Shihab and his son Habib Muhammad and Habib Salim bin Hafiz. Continue reading The Loss of Habib Hamid Ba ‘Alawi
Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Karim (the Generous)
This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ. Continue reading Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Karim (the Generous)
On Taking a Wage for Teaching the Islamic Sciences and the Qur’an
Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)
Should someone take money for teaching the Islamic Sciences?
Earning money should not be the intention and objective of the one teaching. Teaching the Islamic sciences should not be turned into a business. Rather, the teacher should be concerned about conveying the Sacred Law to people. Continue reading On Taking a Wage for Teaching the Islamic Sciences and the Qur’an
Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Jalil (the Majestic)
This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ. Continue reading Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Jalil (the Majestic)
Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Hafiz (the Guardian)
This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ. Continue reading Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Hafiz (the Guardian)
On Obedience to Parents
Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)
My parents have ordered me to cut ties with one of my relatives and prohibit me from practising certain elements of my religion. What should I do?
Cutting the ties of kinship is an act of disobedience and there can be no obedience to the creation if it constitutes disobedience to the Creator. Thus you cannot obey them in this or in anything which contravenes the Sacred Law. However, you can show wisdom in not openly displaying that you are going against their will and you must not be rude or aggressive towards them.
Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Halim (the Forbearing)
This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ. Continue reading Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Ya Halim (the Forbearing)
The Dowra 2014 Rawhah: Qut al-Qulub and Rashafat
The following lessons were delivered by Habib Umar bin Hafiz based on Imam Abu Talib al-Makki’s foundational work in the science of Tasawwuf, Qut al Qulub. Habib is also commenting on the opening sections of Habib `Abd al-Rahman Balfaqih’s unique poem, al-Rashafat. Continue reading The Dowra 2014 Rawhah: Qut al-Qulub and Rashafat
Advice On Raising Children
Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)
What advice do you have for raising children well?
- We should have good intentions in doing so.
- We should be conscious of their feelings and emotions.
- We should let them constantly hear the remembrance of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ.
- We should gradually accustom them to following the Sunnah.
- We should protect them from being exposed to evil and evil people whether that be through the company they keep or the things they watch or listen to.