The following classes were delivered by Habib Ali al-Jifri on “The Blameworthiness of Status & Ostentation – Part Two” from Habib Umar bin Hafiz’sabridgement of the Ihya Ulum al-Din of Imam al-Ghazali. Continue reading The Blameworthiness of Status and Ostentation — Habib Ali al-Jifri
On Preparing for Imam al-Mahdi
Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)
How do we prepare for the coming of Imam al-Mahdi?
The coming of Imam al-Mahdi, may Allah’s peace be upon him and all of the Prophets and pious people, comes into the category of unseen things of which the Messenger of Allah ﷺinformed us. It is similar to the coming of the Dajjal or Ya’jaj and Ma’juj, the return of Sayyiduna `Isa bin Maryam or the Day of Judgement. We must believe in these things just as the Prophet mentioned them. Continue reading On Preparing for Imam al-Mahdi
Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Yā Quddūs (the Transcendent)
This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ. Continue reading Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Yā Quddūs (the Transcendent)
Selected Salawat: Nasīm Qurbik
This is a prayer upon the Prophet ﷺ composed by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him) Continue reading Selected Salawat: Nasīm Qurbik
Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Yā Raḥmān Ya Raḥīm
This prayer is the first in Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ. Continue reading Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Yā Raḥmān Ya Raḥīm
The True Meaning of Calling to Allah
Habib Ali al-Jifri (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him) explains the true meaning of calling to Allah.
Calling to Allah is an act that draws one closer to Allah. Its essence is a burning passion in the heart of the caller based upon love, mercy, wanting good for people and the desire to be a source of joy to the Prophet ﷺ. If this is ignited in the heart of the caller, he longs to attach the hearts of those around him to their Creator. Other worldly things which motivate most people then become meaningless to him. Continue reading The True Meaning of Calling to Allah
On Losing Spiritual Aspiration
Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)
What advice do you have for us if we lose our aspiration for travelling the spiritual path and for performing acts of worship?
You must renew your approach to Allah. Sit for an hour or two or three facing the qiblah imagining that you are in the Blessed Rawdah or in front of the grave of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ , seeking a connection to him, closeness to him, and his companionship, while bestowing many prayers upon him. This will be a means of renewing your approach. Continue reading On Losing Spiritual Aspiration
Disciplining the Soul (Class 5)
This is the fifth of six classes on Imam al-Ghazali’s Disciplining the Soul taught by Habib Umar bin Hafiz in Denmark in 2010 Continue reading Disciplining the Soul (Class 5)
Habib ‘Ali bin Muhammad al-‘Attas
In his youth, Habib ‘Ali studied under Habib ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar al-Shatiri in the Ribat of Tarim and became one of the greatest scholars of the region. He ended his life as he had lived it, and spent the night before he died poring over books of the Sacred Law. Habib ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Saqqaf described his existence in our times as a great blessing. He was known for his knowledge, humility and uprightness. He said that he had not left the night prayer nor any of his adkhar for the last seventy years. Continue reading Habib ‘Ali bin Muhammad al-‘Attas
The Understanding of the Salaf
Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him) reflects upon the understanding of the early generations.
A person’s caprice is the best type of firewood that can be ignited to stir up divisions between the believers. Caprice leads people to blindly follow a group or to follow their lower selves. It leads people to claim that their way or their group is the way of Allah and His Messenger. The pious scholars of this Ummah would be asked:
“What is Allah’s ruling on such and such a thing?” Continue reading The Understanding of the Salaf