One of the hallmarks of Habib Muhammad al-Haddar’s gatherings was that he would ask Allah for everything on behalf of everyone. No one and nothing was left out of his prayers. The following supplication is a case in point. If you are not sure what to ask for, then recite this comprehensive prayer:
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَ سَلِّمْ على سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ وآلِهِ
اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّا نَسْأَلُكَ لَنَا و لِلْحَاضِرينَ و الغَائِبِينَ وَلِلْمُسْلِمِينَ أجْمَعيِن و لأَحْبَابِنَا إِلَى يَوْمِ الدِّينِ فِي كُلِّ لَحْظَةٍ أَبدًا مِنْ خَيْرِ مَا سَأَلَكَ مِنْهُ عَبْدُكَ وَنَبِيُّكَ مُحْمَّدٌ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلِيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَعِبَادُكَ الصَّالِحُونَ، وَنَعُوذُ بِكَ مِمَّا اسْتَعَاذَكَ مِنْهُ عَبْدُكَ وَنَبِيُّكَ مُحْمَّدٌ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلِيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَعِبَادُكَ الصَّالِحُونَ، وَأَنْتَ الْمُسْتَعَانُ وَعَلَيْكَ الْبَلاغُ وَلا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ بِالله.
اللَّهُمَّ هَبْ لَنَا وَلَهُمْ كُلَّ خَيْرٍ عَاجِلٍ وَآجِلٍ ظَاهِرٍ وَبَاطِنٍ أَحَاطَ بِهِ عِلْمُكَ فِي الدِّيْنِ وَالدُّنْيَا وَالآخِرَة، وَاصْرِفْ وَارْفَعْ عَنَّا وَعَنْهُمْ كُلَّ سُوءٍ عَاجِلٍ وَآجِلٍ ظَاهِرٍ وَبَاطِنٍ أَحَاطَ بِهِ عِلْمُكَ فِي الدِّيْنِ وَالدُّنْيَا وَالآخِرَة
O Allah, bestow peace and blessings upon our Master Muhammad and upon his Family.
O Allah, we ask You for ourselves and those present and those absent and for all Muslims and for our loved ones up until the Day of Recompense in every instant forevermore the best things that Your servant and Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace) and Your pious slaves asked for. You are the One whose assistance is sought and You may realise our hopes and there is no strength or power except by Allah.
O Allah, bestow upon us and them in the short term and the long term all goodness inward and outward which is encompassed by Your knowledge pertaining to our religion and to this life and the afterlife. Deflect from us and them all evil in the short term and the long term inward and outward which is encompassed by Your knowledge pertaining to our religion and to this life and the afterlife.
(This dua can be found in Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s Khulasah amongst the adhkar to be read before Fajr).