Advice on the Covid-19 Vaccine

Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him) said: The only real safety from this Virus and all kinds of difficulties and calamities is in connecting to Allah, relying upon Him, remembering Him in abundance, calling upon Him and obeying His commands.

If you can avoid the vaccine, this is better. If, however, you are obliged to take it, then put your trust in Allah and patiently seek His reward and He will protect you from all harm. Continue reading Advice on the Covid-19 Vaccine

Imam al-Haddad and the Ka’bah

Imam al-Haddad (may Allah benefit us by him) says:

وشاهدتْ الأرواحُ مِنَّا شعائراً     معظمةً قَدْ ضَمَّها البيتُ و الفِنا

مقامٌ و حِجْرٌ و الشَّرابُ وإِنه      لَكَوْثَرُ دارِ الخُلْدِ في عَالَمِ الفَنا

و كَمْ مَرَّةٍ عانقتُها و التزمتُها      بِمُلْتَزَمِ الخَيْراتِ و الفوزِ و الهَنا


Our souls witnessed the sacred and venerated places in the precincts of Allah’s House: Continue reading Imam al-Haddad and the Ka’bah

The Reward for Excellence

When he reached maturity, We gave him judgement and knowledge: this is how We reward the people of excellence (12:22).

‘Maturity’ begins at puberty and reaches completion between the ages of 30 and 40. Sayyiduna Yusuf had reached a point at which he was fit to receive expansive knowledge and wisdom. The word translated as judgement (hukm) here could signify prophethood, wisdom or leadership. Continue reading The Reward for Excellence

I Know That You Know

They hid him like a piece of merchandise – Allah was well aware of what they did (12:19)

Allah had complete knowledge both of what Yusuf’s brothers had done and now what these travellers were doing with Yusuf. He was doing all this in order to raise the rank of His servant in this life and the next. Do not think for a moment that anything happens outside the knowledge of Allah. Continue reading I Know That You Know

The Two Types of Wellbeing

Imam al-Haddad (may Allah benefit us by him) teaches us that there are two types of wellbeing (‘afiyah):

Physical ‘afiyah is for the body to be safe from falling into sin and not to be affected by illness.

Spiritual ‘afiyah is for the heart to be free from doubt and delusion and from concealing hatred for any Muslim.

The one who is blessed with both types of ‘afiyah will be consistent in seeking Allah and obeying Him. This is a manifestation of Allah’s bounty and He gives it to whomever He wishes.


Image: the minaret of Masjid al-Fath, the mosque which Imam al-Haddad built at Hawi, near Tarim.

Is Bestowing Abundant Prayers Upon the Prophet ﷺ a Substitute for a Shaykh?

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

If someone bestows abundant prayers upon the Prophet ﷺ it helps them to overcome obstacles on the spiritual path, remove blameworthy qualities and gain noble qualities. Then through the blessing of bestowing those prayers, Allah unites that person with a shaykh who will be a means for them to reach Allah. So bestowing abundant prayers upon the Prophet ﷺ (and also abundant istighfar) is one of the best means to prepare someone for spiritual progress and facilitate their meeting with their shaykh.

What Can I Recite to Make Someone’s Heart Incline Towards Islam?

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

Repeat La ilaha ill’Allah in abundance and recite 100 times a day:

رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لي صَدْرِي و يَسِّرْ لي أَمْرِي

Rabbi-shraḥ lī ṣadrī wa yassir lī amrī

“My Lord bring tranquillity to my heart and give me ease in my affair.” (20:25-26)