Preparing for the Grave

Advice from Habib Muhammad al-Haddar (may Allah have mercy on him and benefit us by him). 

Make your grave the most important thing, for the day on which you are placed in your grave is the hardest day, the day on which you are most in need. For this reason some scholars were of the opinion that it is obligatory to seek refuge in Allah from the punishment of the grave in every prayer. Among them was Imam Ta’us al-San`ani, the student of Sayyiduna `Abdullah Ibn `Abbas. One day he asked his son if he had sought refuge from the punishment of the grave in his prayer. When his son said no, he told him to repeat his prayer. The Prophet himself sought refuge from it, so why do we not do so? He taught us to say:  Continue reading Preparing for the Grave

The Ummah’s Golden Calf

Advice from Habib Muhammad al-Haddar (may Allah have mercy upon him and benefit us by him). 

Look at how the businessmen in Makkah and Jeddah have mastered their trade. They plaster their advertisements everywhere! If only these billboards clarified the rites of the Hajj and the etiquettes of entering Makkah! These advertisements are proof of their love of material things. Continue reading The Ummah’s Golden Calf

Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Yā ‘Azīz (the Mighty)

This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ. Continue reading Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Yā ‘Azīz (the Mighty)

On Attaining Praiseworthy Attributes and Purifying the Heart

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

There are too many praiseworthy attributes that we must attain and too many blameworthy attributes from which we must purify ourselves. Even if we focused on just one of these attributes it would take a lifetime. What can we do? Continue reading On Attaining Praiseworthy Attributes and Purifying the Heart

Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Yā Mu’min (the Faithful One)

This prayer is taken from Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s collection of prayers using Allah’s beautiful names in which he calls upon Allah by His beautiful names and then asks Him to bestow prayers upon His Beloved by those names. Finally, he asks Allah for a portion of those attributes which belong to Allah and which He has bestowed upon His Messenger ﷺ. Continue reading Salawat with Allah’s Beautiful Names: Yā Mu’min (the Faithful One)

On Continually Tasting the Sweetness of Dhikr

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

When we begin reciting a certain dhikr we taste the sweetness of the dhikr, but this gradually disappears. How do we retain this?

The soul naturally reacts to new things and gains new energy from them. So you should seek renewal in your presence every time you read your adhkar and increase your contemplation on them so that you receive new gifts from Allah.

On Ashura Gatherings

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

What should we do if our Shia friends invite us to one of their gatherings on Ashura?

We tell them that there are sunnahs which the grandfather of Sayyiduna al-Husayn taught us to implement on this day. If there is anything prohibited that takes place in the gathering, such as people hitting themselves or cursing the Companions, then we cannot attend. Continue reading On Ashura Gatherings