There are many times and situations in which it is recommended to perform wudu. Here are some of them:
1. When you wish to read or carry the books of tafsir and hadith, out of veneration for the speech of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ . Allah says: If someone venerates the things Allah has made sacred, this is truly a sign of piety in the heart (22:32). When Imam Malik was asked to narrate hadith, he would perform ghusl, put on perfume and put on his best clothes before doing so. This shows you the secret of adab (correct etiquette) which is a means of elevation. When Muslims neglected these etiquettes they lost out on great good. They lost the spirit of their acts of worship while the outward form remained. One of the knowers of Allah said: “The religion is veneration for the religion.” The degree to which you benefit from any act of worship is according to the degree of your veneration for that act of worship. Continue reading Insights into Purification: When is it recommended to perform Wudu?