Victories and Openings from the Isra and Mi’raj

Habib Ali al-Jifri (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him) tells us how victories and openings come through learning about the Isra and Mi’raj. Extracts from a talk delivered at Majelis Rasulullah in Jakarta, Indonesia on the night of the Isra and Mi’raj Rajab 1439.

The key to attaining divine gifts is showing mercy. When the Prophet ﷺ showed mercy to the people of Ta’if, even though he could have asked for their destruction, Allah bestowed upon him the greatest of gifts on the night of the Mi’raj. Continue reading Victories and Openings from the Isra and Mi’raj

Method of Seeing the Prophet ﷺ – Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad

Sayyid Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad narrates that his grandfather, Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad (may Allah have mercy upon him and benefit us by him), gave permission for the following to be recited in order to see the Prophet ﷺ. Continue reading Method of Seeing the Prophet ﷺ – Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad

Habib Aydarus bin Sumayt

Habib Aydarus bin Abdullah bin Sumayt was born in Tarim, Hadramawt in 1355 (1936) and for many years was the imam of Masjid al-Mihdar, one of the city’s main and most historic mosques. He was a spiritual guide and healer and was much loved by the people of the city. There was hardly a person in Tarim nor a visitor to the city who did not go to his house next to Masjid al-Mihdar in order for him to read over them or see to their needs. He had immense humility and would never turn anyone away. Continue reading Habib Aydarus bin Sumayt

Habib Salim al-Shatiri

Habib Salim was born in Tarim in 1359 (1940). He was the youngest son of the great imam, Shaykh al-Islam, Habib `Abdullah bin Umar al-Shatiri, who passed away when Habib Salim was only two years old. Habib `Abdullah said of Habib Salim that he would live long and be a ‘sultan’ or leader in knowledge. He later become known as ‘Sultan al-Ulama’ or ‘leader of the scholars’. Continue reading Habib Salim al-Shatiri

Advice on Electronic Currencies

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

  • What do you say about investing in electronic currencies?

These are one of the tricks and ploys that have been used to delude people who are hoping to make some money. They have no basis in the Sacred Law and the end result in investing in these currencies will not be good.

Continue reading Advice on Electronic Currencies

Can I ask to be the Renewer (Mujaddid) of this Time?

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

Can I ask Allah to make me the renewer (mujaddid) of this time?

Allah has guaranteed that He will continue to renew the religion in people’s hearts and He uses various means to realise this. There will generally be one principle figure who is like the head. He is supported by others who make up the rest of the body. We should ask Allah to be among those who are involved in this renewal.

On Tasting the Sweetness of Worship

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

How can I taste the sweetness of worship?

Not tasting the sweetness of worship is mainly due to the heart not being fully focused on Allah and being preoccupied with other than Allah. It may also be due to a veil in the heart such as pride or hatred for someone. By standing at Allah’s door and attempting to purify your heart, you will no doubt taste the sweetness of worship. `Utbah al-Ghulam said: “I forced myself to perform the night vigil prayer for twenty years until I tasted its sweetness.”

Understanding the Opening Verses of Surat ‘Abasa

The opening verses of Surat ‘Abasa are understood by most Qur’anic commentators to be a type of reproach (albeit gentle) from Allah to His Prophet ﷺ for not giving priority to ‘the Blind Man’, when he approached the Prophet seeking knowledge. Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah benefit us by him), however, gives a different perspective on the verses and shows us that the Prophet ﷺ made the correct choice and behaved in an exemplary fashion. Continue reading Understanding the Opening Verses of Surat ‘Abasa