On What to Focus on at the Beginning of the Path

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

What should the seeker focus on at the beginning of the path – rectifying the heart or focusing on etiquette (adab)?

Rectification of the heart is the pinnacle of adab, so the seeker’s concern should be purifying his heart and ridding it of faults and blameworthy qualities.

When will Allah give Muslims victory?

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

When will Allah give Muslims victory?

We have to ask ourselves: when are we going to truly obey His commands? We should do what we can to rectify our own situation and reflect on how Allah tested the believers of previous nations and how he tested our Prophet ﷺ.

On Dealing with Extremism

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

How can extremism be dealt with?

People of knowledge and people in positions of leadership must first realise their need and the need of the Ummah to prevent extremism. Then they must work together to prevent it, following the Sacred Law and trying to implement it and act according to it. They must clarify the truth by clarifying the texts and principles of the Sacred Law. Different means should be used such as dialogue, teaching and meetings.  This will remove the root causes of extremism. Continue reading On Dealing with Extremism

On Dealing with Muslims who Mistreat Us

Answered by Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)

How do we deal with Muslims who mistreat us?

By treating them well and praying for them. Allah says: A good deed and a bad deed are not equal. Repel [evil] with that which is better. The outcome of this is: then the one whom between him and you was enmity will become as if he is an intimate friend (41:34) .